Except Integrated Sustainability
Except Integrated sustainability.
Flourish in a changing world.
Multi-disciplinary consulting, innovation and development organization working on advanced sustainability projects around the globe.

Platform BEE

Client > NGO

Platform BEE

Platform BEE represents our common interests related to a healthy state of Biodiversity

The Platform on Biodiversity, Ecosystems & Economics is committed to preserving and restoring biodiversity and ecosystems, a prerequisite for a strong economy and a healthy environment. The platform is an initiative of the employers' organization VNO-NCW and nature organization IUCN. These two organizations, together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, form the secretariat of the platform.

Visit their website to learn more about Platform BEE.


Natural Capital is Business

Jan 31, 2017, How to bring Natural Capital into the boardroom?

Natural Capital plays a title role in our economy. To help you clarify the relationship between your economic activities and Natural Capital, Except and NXTE developed the Natural Capital Quick Scan. The scan delivers instant insight and suggests dozens of ways to mitigate risks and pick up on opportunities.
